Dr. Zeke Xie is an Assistant Professor jointly appointed by DSA Thrust and AI Thrust, HKUST (Guangzhou).
I am leading Xie Lab (for Machine Learning Foundations) that generally interested in understanding and solving fundamental issues of modern AI. The current research projects mainly focus on (but not limited) foundations of machine learning and generative AI.
Previously, I was a researcher at Baidu Research and responsible for large models and AIGC research. I obtained Ph.D. and M.E. both from The University of Tokyo. I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Masashi Sugiyama, Director of RIKEN AIP and Prof. Issei Sato. I was also affiliated with RIKEN AIP during the Ph.D. study. Before that, I obtained Bachelor of Science from University of Science and Technology of China.
I mainly publish papers on three top ML conferences, including ICML, NeurIPS, and ICLR, as well as other decent AI conferences/ journals. I also regularly serve as a reviewer/PC for ICML, NeurIPS, ICLR, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, TPAMI, Neural Computation, TNNLS, etc.
I wrote a number of popular science articles and tech blogs. I am glad to share my thoughts and communicate with more than 200k followers who are interested in my articles/blogs.
zekexie AT hkust-gz.edu.cn
Foundations of Machine Learning: optimization, generalization, representation, and data-centric AI.
Understanding and expanding the capabilities of Large Models: particularly Large Diffusion Models and AI Alignment.