insert into person(id, person_id, person_name, gmt_create, gmt_modified) select @i:=@i+1, left(rand()*10,10) as person_id, concat('user_',@i%2048), date_add(gmt_create,interval + @i*cast(rand()*100 as signed) SECOND), date_add(date_add(gmt_modified,interval +@i*cast(rand()*100 as signed) SECOND), interval + cast(rand()*1000000 as signed) SECOND) from person;
此处需要注意的是,也许你在执行到近 800w 或者 1000w 数据的时候,会报错:The total number of locks exceeds the lock table size,这是由于你的临时表内存设置的不够大,只需要扩大一下设置参数即可。
SET GLOBAL tmp_table_size =512*1024*1024; #(512M) SET global innodb_buffer_pool_size= 1*1024*1024*1024; # (1G);
select count(1) from person; select count(1) from person where person_id =6; show profiles;
ERROR 1418 (HY000): This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you might want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)
-- 随机产生字符串 drop function if exists rand_string; -- 先判断是否已存在同名函数,如果已存在则先删除 DELIMITER $$ -- 两个 $$ 表示结束 create function rand_string(n int) returns varchar(255) begin declare chars_str varchar(100) default 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; declare return_str varchar(255) default ''; declare i int default 0; while i < n do set return_str = concat(return_str, substring(chars_str, floor(1+rand()*52), 1)); set i=i+1; end while; return return_str; end $$ DELIMITER ;
-- 随机生成编号 drop function if exists rand_num; DELIMITER $$ create function rand_num() returns int(5) begin declare i int default 0; set i=floor(100+rand()*10); return i; end $$ DELIMITER ;
select rand_string(5); select rand_num();
drop database if exists tmp; create database tmp; use tmp; CREATE TABLE person( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY comment '主键', person_id tinyint not null comment '用户id', person_name VARCHAR(200) comment '用户名称', gmt_create datetime comment '创建时间', gmt_modified datetime comment '修改时间' ) comment 'user info'; SET @@profiling = 0; SET @@profiling_history_size = 0; SET @@profiling_history_size = 100; SET @@profiling = 1; insert into person values(1,1,'user_1', NOW(), now()); show profiles; set @i=1; drop function if exists test_performance; DELIMITER $$ #设置结束符 create function test_performance(num int) returns varchar(255) begin declare return_str varchar(255) default ''; if(num > 0) then insert into person(id, person_id, person_name, gmt_create, gmt_modified) select @i:=@i+1, left(rand()*10,10) as person_id, concat('user_',@i%2048), date_add(gmt_create,interval + @i*cast(rand()*100 as signed) SECOND), date_add(date_add(gmt_modified,interval +@i*cast(rand()*100 as signed) SECOND), interval + cast(rand()*1000000 as signed) SECOND) from person limit num; else insert into person(id, person_id, person_name, gmt_create, gmt_modified) select @i:=@i+1, left(rand()*10,10) as person_id, concat('user_',@i%2048), date_add(gmt_create,interval + @i*cast(rand()*100 as signed) SECOND), date_add(date_add(gmt_modified,interval +@i*cast(rand()*100 as signed) SECOND), interval + cast(rand()*1000000 as signed) SECOND) from person; end if; select count(1) into return_str from person where person_id = "9"; select count(1) into return_str from person; return return_str; end $$ DELIMITER ; select test_performance(0); #2^1 select test_performance(0); #2^2 select test_performance(0); #2^3 select test_performance(0); #2^4 select test_performance(0); #2^5 select test_performance(0); #2^6 select test_performance(0); #2^7 select test_performance(0); #2^8 select test_performance(0); #2^9 select test_performance(0); #2^10 select test_performance(0); #2^11 select test_performance(0); #2^12 select test_performance(0); #2^13 select test_performance(0); #2^14 select test_performance(0); #2^15 select test_performance(0); #2^16 select test_performance(0); #2^17 select test_performance(0); #2^18 select test_performance(0); #2^19次方=524288 select test_performance(475712); #补上475712凑够100w select test_performance(250000); #125w select test_performance(0); #250w select test_performance(0); #500w select test_performance(0); #1kw select test_performance(0); #2kw select test_performance(0); #4kw select test_performance(0); #8kw select test_performance(0); #16kw select test_performance(0); #32kw
在页的 7 个组成部分中,我们自己存储的记录会按照我们指定的行格式存储到 User Records 部分。
但是在一开始生成页的时候,其实并没有 User Records 这个部分,每当我们插入一条记录,都会从 Free Space 部分,也就是尚未使用的存储空间中申请一个记录大小的空间划分到 User Records 部分,当 Free Space 部分的空间全部被 User Records 部分替代掉之后,也就意味着这个页使用完了,如果还有新的记录插入的话,就需要去申请新的页了。这个过程的图示如下。