论文原文:Generalization and width. Neyshabur et al. [2018b] found that wider networks generalize better. Can we now explain this? Intuitively, wider networks have more sub-networks at any given level, and so the sub-network with maximum coherence in a wider network may be more coherent than its counterpart in a thinner network, and hence generalize better. In other words, since—as discussed in Section 10—gradient descent is a feature selector that prioritizes well-generalizing (coherent) features, wider networks are likely to have better features simply because they have more features. In this connection, see also the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis [Frankle and Carbin, 2018]
Based on our theory, finite learning rate, and mini-batch stochasticityare not necessary for generalization
Assuming a small enough learning rate, as training progresses, the generalization gap cannot decrease. This follows from the iterative stability analysis of training: with 40 more steps, stability can only degrade. If this is violated in a practical setting, it would point to an interesting limitation of the theory