AI4Materials Design: From Simulation to Generation数字化转型正在彻底改变材料科学领域,其中深度学习处于这一范式转变的最前沿。本次演讲将深入探讨大规模机器学习工具的最新进展及其在材料设计领域的变革性应用。我们将重点介绍深度图学习[1]、主动学习[2] 和生成模型[3-4]在构建先进的AI模拟器中的可能性,以及如何使用AI模拟器来模拟、生成和设计新材料。我们将探讨这些由AI驱动的策略如何应用于现实世界的材料挑战,展示其在各个领域催化突破的潜力,并讨论将深度学习融入材料科学的持续努力和未来方向,以促进跨学科合作并推动这一动态且关键领域的进一步进展。
Digital transformation is revolutionizing the field of materials science, with deep learning at the forefront of this paradigm shift. This presentation will unpack the latest advancements in large-scale machine learning tools and their transformative applications in the realm of materials design. We will spotlight the power of deep graph learning, [1] active learning[2], and generative models[3-4] in constructing advanced AI emulators capable of simulating, generating, and designing new materials. Active learning streamlines the learning process by prioritizing the most informative data, whereas graph learning exploits the complex relationships within material structures, and generative models push the envelope in predicting and creating unprecedented material structures. These state-of-the-art tools are not only enhancing our predictive capabilities but also accelerating the design of innovative materials with bespoke properties. We will explore how these AI-driven strategies are being applied to real-world material challenges, demonstrate their potential to catalyze breakthroughs across various sectors, and discuss the ongoing efforts and future directions for integrating deep learning into materials science to foster interdisciplinary collaborations and drive further advancements in this dynamic and critical field.
Materials Design,材料设计
Deep Learning,深度学习
Active Learning,主动学习
[1] Yang, Han, et al. "MatterSim: A Deep Learning Atomistic Model Across Elements, Temperatures and Pressures." arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.04967 (2024).
[2] Kong, Lingyu, et al. "Overcoming the Size Limit of First Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations with an In-Distribution Substructure Embedding Active Learner." arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.08177 (2023).
[3] Zheng, Shuxin, et al. "Towards Predicting Equilibrium Distributions for Molecular Systems with Deep Learning." arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.05445 (2023).
[4] Zeni, Claudio, et al. "Mattergen: a generative model for inorganic materials design." arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.03687 (2023).
Accelerating Molecular Discovery with Machine Learning A Geometric, Sampling and Optimization Perspective近期机器学习的进展为分子发现领域带来了开创性的机会。在这一演变的前沿,是具有适当归纳偏置和高效优化的改进计算工具。在本次讲座中,我将从几何、采样和优化的角度深入探讨我们在这些主题上的努力。我将首先介绍如何在神经网络的设计中编码对称性,以及如何平衡表达能力与计算效率。接下来,我会讨论生成模型如何在分子发现中支持广泛的设计和优化任务。在第三部分,我将讲述随机最优控制、采样和最优传输的进展如何应用于寻找化学反应中的过渡态。
Recent advancements in machine learning have paved the way for groundbreaking opportunities in the realm of molecular discovery. At the forefront of this evolution are improved computational tools with proper inductive biases and efficient optimization. In this talk, I will delve into our efforts around these themes from a geometry, sampling and optimization perspective. I will first introduce how to encode symmetries in the design of neural networks and the balance of expressiveness and computational efficiency. Next, I will discuss how generative models enable a wide range of design and optimization tasks in molecular discovery. In the third part, I will talk about how the advancements in stochastic optimal control, sampling and optimal transport can be applied to find transition states in chemical reactions.分享内容大纲
[1] Du, Y., Jamasb, A. R., Guo, J., Fu, T., Harris, C., Wang, Y., ... & Blundell, T. L. (2024). Machine learning-aided generative molecular design. Nature Machine Intelligence, 1-16.
[2] Du, Y., Wang, L., Feng, D., Wang, G., Ji, S., Gomes, C. P., & Ma, Z. M. (2024). A new perspective on building efficient and expressive 3D equivariant graph neural networks. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 36.
[3] Schneuing, A., Du, Y., Harris, C., Jamasb, A., Igashov, I., Du, W., ... & Correia, B. (2022). Structure-based drug design with equivariant diffusion models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.13695.
[4] Duan, C., Du, Y., Jia, H., & Kulik, H. J. (2023). Accurate transition state generation with an object-aware equivariant elementary reaction diffusion model. Nature Computational Science, 3(12), 1045-1055.
[5] Holdijk, L., Du, Y., Hooft, F., Jaini, P., Ensing, B., & Welling, M. (2024). Stochastic optimal control for collective variable free sampling of molecular transition paths. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 36.
[6] Du, Y., Plainer, M., Brekelmans, R., Duan, C., Noe, F., Gomes, C. P., ... & Neklyudov, K. Doob's Lagrangian: A Sample-Efficient Variational Approach to Transition Path Sampling. In ICML 2024 AI for Science Workshop.
Code & Demo
ClofNet (https://github.com/mouthful/ClofNet)
LeftNet (https://github.com/yuanqidu/LeftNet)
DiffSBDD (https://github.com/arneschneuing/DiffSBDD)
OA-ReactDiff (https://nb.bohrium.dp.tech/detail/1221842760)
PIPS (https://github.com/LarsHoldijk/SOCTransitionPaths)
AI4Science101 (https://ai4science101.github.io/)
陆子恒,微软研究院首席研究员,科学智能中心材料方向负责人。主要研究大规模深度学习与其在材料设计领域的应用。在加入微软研究院之前,于2018年从香港科技大学获得博士学位。之后,在包括耶鲁大学、中国科学院、英国法拉第研究所和剑桥大学从事研究工作。主要工作包括:开发全空间材料大模型MatterSim,在MatBench、MatBench Discovery等材料设计任务上取得榜首;开发IDEAL主动学习算法,取得了百万量级原子的在线化学精度模拟;参与开发了DiG、MatterGen等主流材料生成模型。在Nat. Mach. Intell.、 Nat. Comm.、Chem. Rev.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Adv. Energy Mater. 等杂志上发表了50多篇同行评审文章。担任多本期刊的副编辑、客座编辑,以及包括Nature和Joule等在内的10多个期刊的审稿人。杜沅岂 ,康奈尔大学计算机科学系的博士生,研究方向为人工智能及其与科学发现的交叉领域,导师为 Carla P. Gomes 教授。他的研究兴趣包括几何深度学习、概率机器学习、采样、优化以及面向科学的人工智能(特别是分子发现)。除了研究,他还热衷于教育和社区建设。他主导组织了包括学习图论会议、人工智能与科学、概率机器学习工作坊在内的一系列活动,并发起了一个教育项目(AI for Science101),旨在架起人工智能与科学社区之间的桥梁。
时间:2024年8月31日(本周六上午) 10:00-12:00https://pattern.swarma.org/study_group_issue/722?from=wechat扫码参与几何深度学习读书会,加入群聊,获取系列读书会回看权限,加入图神经网络与几何深度学习社区,与社区的一线科研工作者沟通交流,共同推动几何深度学习这一前沿领域的发展。拓扑编织着复杂世界,机器学习孕育着技术奇点。一个维度,其中拓扑理论与深度学习模型交织共鸣;一个领域,它跨越了数学的严谨与本质以及人工智能的无限可能,开辟着通往科学新纪元的航道。让我们携手在几何深度学习的起点出发,一路探索如何走向AI for Science的无限未来。
集智俱乐部联合中国人民大学黄文炳副教授、上海交通大学王宇光副教授和南洋理工大学夏克林副教授发起「几何深度学习」读书会。从2024年7月11日开始,每周四19:00-21:00进行,持续时间预计 8-10 周,社区成员将一起系统性地学习几何深度学习相关知识、模型、算法,深入梳理相关文献、激发跨学科的学术火花、共同打造国内首个几何深度学习社区!欢迎加入社区与发起人老师一起探索!
为了探讨图神经网络在算法神经化求解的发展与现实应用,集智俱乐部联合国防科技大学系统工程学院副教授范长俊、中国人民大学高瓴人工智能学院副教授黄文炳,共同发起「图神经网络与组合优化」读书会。读书会将聚焦于图神经网络与算法神经化求解的相关领域,包括神经算法推理、组合优化问题求解、几何图神经网络,以及算法神经化求解在 AI for Science 中的应用等方面。读书会已完结,现在报名可加入社群并解锁回放视频权限。