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气象学家 • 1 年前 • 303 次点击  




近日,广州海洋实验室唐丹玲U团队利用机器学习预测热带气旋风泵引起的海表温度响应研究取得进展,相关成果以“Predicting tropical cyclone-induced sea surface temperature responses using machine learning”为题发表在SCI 1区期刊Geophysical Research Letters(影响因子:5.2)上,并作为亮点新闻被Phys.org与CityLife等多家国际科研资讯媒体报道。论文第一作者为广州海洋实验室-香港科技大学联培博士研究生崔红星,通讯作者为广州海洋实验室教授、广东省海洋生态环境遥感中心唐丹玲博士。合作单位包括美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校、加拿大达尔豪斯大学与英国肯特大学等。



论文全文:Cui, H., Tang, D., Mei, W., Liu, H., Sui, Y., & Gu, X. (2023). Predicting tropical cyclone-induced sea surface temperature responses using machine learning. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL104171.、 

Figure 1. Study area and distribution of data points in the training and validation sets during January 1998–December 2018. (a) TC occurrence density, calculated as the number of TC occurrence during the entire study period within individual 0.1°×0.1° grids. (b) Histogram of the number of data points used in the training stage as a function of TC intensity. (c) Histogram of TC-induced SST anomalies on day 1 after TC passage in the training stage. Abbreviations: TS, tropical storm; H1–H2, category-1–2 hurricane; H3–H5, category-3–5 hurricane; and H1–H5, category-1–5 hurricane.

Figure 2. (a) Spatial structure and temporal evolution of the TC-induced SST anomalies (℃) in the observations from the testing set. (b) As in (a), but for the predictions. (c)-(e) Evaluation of the model performance for (b), i.e., (c) correlation coefficient r, (d) RMSE (℃), and (e) MAE (℃). (f) TC-induced SST anomalies in the observations as a function of the distance across TC track on the day right after the cyclone passage when the SST anomaly near the storm center peaks. Only the standard errors for TS and H3–H5 are shown (light blue and light green shading, respectively), and are calculated as the standard deviation divided by the square root of the number of observations used in the testing stage (i.e., standard error of the mean); the size of the standard errors for the other three intensity groups is in between these two. (g) As in (f), but for the predictions. (h)-(j) Evaluation of the model performance for (g), i.e., (h) correlation coefficient r, (i) RMSE (℃) and (j) MAE (℃), for different TC intensity groups.

Figure 3. (a) Temporal evolution of the composite SST anomaly averaged within a TC-centered 3°×1° box in association with the passage of TCs of different intensity groups in the observations from the testing set. The standard errors for TS and H3–H5 are calculated and shown as in Figure 2(f). (b) As in (a), but for the predictions. (c)-(e) Evaluation of the model performance for (b), i.e., (c) correlation coefficient r, (d) RMSE (℃) and (e) MAE (℃), for different TC intensity groups.

Figure 4. (a) The feature scores of the 12 predictors used in the model constructed to predict the maximum SST cooling induced by TCs averaged within a TC-centered 1°×1° box. (b),(c) As in (a), but for the model constructed to predict the maximum SST cooling induced by TCs averaged within TC-centered 3°×3° and 5°×5° boxes, respectively. Vertical lines show the standard deviations of the feature scores.







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