教授、博士生导师,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,长江学者特聘教授。主要从事区域多尺度嵌套高时空分辨率排放清单、多污染物多源分类减排-环境影响的非线性复杂系统模拟、基于环境效应的区域大气复合污染控制决策技术、大气汞排放与污染控制的研究。主持国家重点专项项目和国家杰出青年基金项目等。担任Environmental Science & Technology和Journal of Environmental Management副主编,以及Environmental Science & Technology Letters、Journal of Environmental Sciences与《环境科学学报》编委。获2019年何梁何利奖和2019“科学探索奖”。在国际学术期刊发表论文400余篇,Web of Science引用超过两万次。
近2年发表在Sci Total Environ上的论文:
1. Zhang, Z.N., et al. 2021. Measurement and minutely-resolved source apportionment of ambient VOCs in a corridor city during 2019 China International Import Expo episode. Sci Total Environ 798:149375
2. Bhattarai, N., et al. 2020. Sources of gaseous NH3 in urban Beijing from parallel sampling of NH3 and NH4+, their nitrogen isotope measurement and modeling. Sci Total Environ 747:141361
3. Dong, Z.X., et al. 2020. Regional transport in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and its changes during 2014-2017: The impacts of meteorology and emission reduction.Sci Total Environ 737:139792
4. Wu, Q.R., et al. 2021. Impact of emission reductions and meteorology changes on atmospheric mercury concentrations during the COVID-19 lockdown. Sci Total Environ 750:142323
5. Lulu Cui, Shuxiao Wang. 2021. Mapping the daily nitrous acid (HONO) concentrations across China during 2006–2017 through ensemble machine-learning algorithm. Sci Total Environ 785:147325.