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[精华] Django模板中引入了JS变量,请问如何比较两者的大小

TMAC狂热-weibo • 9 年前 • 8652 次点击  

在Django中引入了JQcloud标签云插件,需要比较JS变量与Django模板变量的关系 求解~

<script type="text/javascript">
   * Create an array of word objects, each representing a word in the cloud

     //var list=[["Java", 8], ["Android", 0], ["数据库", 1], ["算法", 0]];
     var list = {{ tagCloud|safe}};

     var word_array = new Array(); 
     for( i in list )
        var temp = list[i][0];

        {% for j in tags %}
         //tags = ["Java","Android","数据库","算法"]

            {% if j == temp %}
            //比较JS变量与Django模板变量的大小  这种方法表示不可行

             word_array.push({text:list[i][0],weight:list[i][1],link:{ href: "{% url 'tagDetail' j %}"}});

            {% endif %}

        {% endfor %}

            //word_array.push({text:list[i][0],weight:list[i][1],link: "" + temp});


   /*var word_array = [
      {text: "Lorem", weight: 15},
      {text: "Ipsum", weight: 9, link: ""},
      {text: "Dolor", weight: 6, html: {title: "I can haz any html attribute"}},
      {text: "Sit", weight: 7},
      {text: "日了", weight: 15}
      // many words as you want

  $(function() {
    // When DOM is ready, select the container element and call the jQCloud method, passing the array of words as the first argument.
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