本文作者是一位多年自学成才的吉他手,但对西方乐理一无所知,因此决定编写一些代码来搞懂它。本文用了大约200行Python代码来帮助我们理解西方音乐理论的基础知识。我们将首先查看西方音乐理论中的音符,使用它们来导出给定键中的半音阶,然后将其与音程公式结合起来以导出常见的音阶和和弦。最后,我们将研究模式,这些模式是从通用音阶衍生出来的整个音阶集合,可以用来唤起比主要音阶和次要音阶所提供的悲喜二分法更微妙的情绪和气氛。西方音乐的音乐字母由字母A到G组成,它们代表不同的音高。alphabet = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G']
但是,这些音符的频率分布不均。为了使音高之间的间距更均匀,我们有以下十二个音符:notes_basic = [
['A#', 'Bb'],
['C#', 'Db'],
['D#', 'Eb'],
['F#', 'Gb'],
['G#', 'Ab'],
这里有四点要注意:首先,每个音符相距半步或半音,其次,它的表示方式是通过可选的尾随符号(称为偶然符号)来表示半步升高(尖锐, ♯)或将基调降低半个音阶(平坦,♭),第三,上述音符只是循环并重新开始,但是音阶较高。最后,您会注意到,其中一些音符由包含多个名称的列表表示:这些是谐音等效词,这是一种奇特的说法,即同一音符可以具有不同的“拼写”。因此,例如,音符在A上方半步是A♯,但也可以认为是B下方半步的音符,因此可以称为B♭。由于历史原因,音符 B/C 和 E/F 之间没有尖锐或平坦的部分。我们需要这些等效词的重要原因是,当我们开始推导通用音阶(大,小和模式)时,连续音符必须以连续字母开头。具有不同字母的谐音等效词使我们能够正确得出这些音阶。实际上,对于某些键,上述谐音音符是不够的。为了满足“连续字母的不同字母规则”,我们最终不得不使用双尖锐和双扁平方式来提高或降低音符整步。这些音阶通常具有不需要这些双重偶然性的等效词,但是为了完整起见,我们可以通过重写我们的注释来包括所有可能的谐音等效词,如下所示:notes = [
['B#', 'C', 'Dbb'],
['B##', 'C#', 'Db'],
['C##', 'D', 'Ebb'],
['D#', 'Eb', 'Fbb'],
['D##', 'E', 'Fb'],
['E#', 'F', 'Gbb'],
['E##', 'F#', 'Gb'],
['F##', 'G', 'Abb'],
['G#', 'Ab'],
['G##', 'A', 'Bbb'],
['A#', 'Bb', 'Cbb'],
['A##', 'B', 'Cb'],
半音阶是最简单的音阶,它仅由给定音调(音阶中的主要音符,也称为音调)的八度之间的所有(十二个)半音组成。我们可以很容易地为任何给定的键生成一个半音阶:(i)在我们的笔记列表中找到该音符的索引,(ii)向左旋转音符列表多次。让我们编写一个简单的函数来在此列表中查找特定的音符:def find_note_index(scale, search_note):
''' Given a scale, find the index of a particular note '''
for index, note in enumerate(scale):
# Deal with situations where we have a list of enharmonic
# equivalents, as well as just a single note as and str.
if type(note) == list:
if search_note in note:
return index
elif type(note) == str:
if search_note == note:
return index
列表)。下面是该函数对于这两种情况的示例:>>> find_note_index(notes, 'A') # notes is a list of lists
>>> find_note_index(alphabet, 'A') # alphabet is a list of notes
步的函数:def rotate(scale, n):
''' Left-rotate a scale by n positions. '''
return scale[n:] + scale[:n]
列表旋转三个位置(将音符D放在前面)的示例:>>> alphabet
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G']
>>> rotate(alphabet, 3)
['D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'A', 'B', 'C']
数组为给定的键生成一个半音音阶:def chromatic(key):
''' Generate a chromatic scale in a given key. '''
# Figure out how much to rotate the notes list by and return
# the rotated version.
num_rotations = find_note_index(notes, key)
return rotate(notes, num_rotations)
半音音阶的示例:>>> import pprint
>>> pprint.pprint(chromatic('D'))
[['C##', 'D', 'Ebb'],
['D#', 'Eb', 'Fbb'],
['D##', 'E', 'Fb'],
['E#', 'F', 'Gbb'],
['E##', 'F#', 'Gb'],
['F##', 'G', 'Abb'],
['G#', 'Ab'],
['G##', 'A', 'Bbb'],
['A#', 'Bb', 'Cbb'],
['A##', 'B', 'Cb'],
['B#', 'C', 'Dbb'],
['B##', 'C#', 'Db']]
对于半音音阶,通常在上升时使用锐利度,而在下降时使用平坦度。但是,就目前而言,我们将谐音等值保持不变。我们将看到如何选择正确的音节以供以后使用。因此,可以基于半音阶音符与根音的相对距离来命名。以下是每个音节的标准名称,其顺序与音节列表中的索引相同:intervals = [
['P1', 'd2'], # Perfect unison Diminished second
['m2', 'A1'], # Minor second Augmented unison
['M2', 'd3'], # Major second Diminished third
['m3', 'A2'], # Minor third Augmented second
['M3', 'd4'], # Major third Diminished fourth
['P4', 'A3'], # Perfect fourth Augmented third
['d5', 'A4'], # Diminished fifth Augmented fourth
['P5', 'd6'], # Perfect fifth Diminished sixth
['m6', 'A5'], # Minor sixth Augmented fifth
['M6', 'd7'], # Major sixth Diminished seventh
['m7', 'A6'], # Minor seventh Augmented sixth
['M7', 'd8'], # Major seventh Diminished octave
['P8', 'A7'], # Perfect octave Augmented seventh
的索引为4。即'M3' in intervals[4] == True
是音符['E ##','F#','Gb']
的键,1 = D,2 = E,3 = F,4 = G,5 = A,6 = B,7 = C,8 = D
的音节列表(['E ##','F#','Gb']
。我们可以编写一个相对简单的函数,以编程方式为我们应用此逻辑,并为我们提供一个字典,将给定键中的所有音程名称映射到正确的音符名称:def make_intervals_standard(key):
# Our labeled set of notes mapping interval names to notes
labels = {}
# Step 1: Generate a chromatic scale in our desired key
chromatic_scale = chromatic(key)
# The alphabets starting at provided key's alphabet
alphabet_key = rotate(alphabet, find_note_index(alphabet, key[0]))
# Iterate through all intervals (list of lists)
for index, interval_list in enumerate(intervals):
# Step 2: Find the notes to search through based on degree
notes_to_search = chromatic_scale[index % len(chromatic_scale)]
for interval_name in interval_list:
# Get the interval degree
degree = int(interval_name[1]) - 1 # e.g. M3 --> 3, m7 --> 7
# Get the alphabet to look for
alphabet_to_search = alphabet_key[degree % len(alphabet_key)]
note = [x for x in notes_to_search if x[0] == alphabet_to_search][0]
note = notes_to_search[0]
labels[interval_name] = note
return labels
>>> import pprint
>>> pprint.pprint(make_intervals_standard('C'), sort_dicts=False)
{'P1': 'C',
'd2': 'Dbb',
'm2': 'Db',
'A1': 'C#',
'M2': 'D',
'd3': 'Ebb',
'm3': 'Eb',
'A2': 'D#',
'M3': 'E',
'd4': 'Fb',
'P4': 'F',
'A3': 'E#',
'd5': 'Gb',
'A4': 'F#',
'P5': 'G',
'd6': 'Abb',
'm6': 'Ab',
'A5': 'G#',
'M6': 'A',
'd7': 'Bbb',
'm7': 'Bb',
'A6': 'A#',
'M7': 'B',
'd8': 'Cb',
'P8': 'C',
'A7': 'B#'}
现在,我们可以使用间隔名称指定公式或音节组,并能够将它们映射到我们想要的任何键:def make_formula(formula, labeled):
Given a comma-separated interval formula, and a set of labeled
notes in a key, return the notes of the formula.
return [labeled[x] for x in formula.split(',')]
formula = 'P1,M2,M3,P4,P5,M6,M7,P8'
我们可以使用它轻松地为不同的键生成主音阶,如下所示:>>> for key in alphabet:
>>> print(key, make_formula(formula, make_intervals_standard(key)))
C ['C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'A', 'B', 'C']
D ['D', 'E', 'F#', 'G', 'A', 'B', 'C#', 'D']
E ['E', 'F#', 'G#', 'A', 'B', 'C#', 'D#', 'E']
F ['F', 'G', 'A', 'Bb', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F']
G ['G', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F#', 'G']
A ['A', 'B', 'C#', 'D', 'E', 'F#', 'G#', 'A']
B ['B', 'C#', 'D#', 'E', 'F#', 'G#', 'A#', 'B']
def dump(scale, separator=' '):
Pretty-print the notes of a scale. Replaces b and # characters
for unicode flat and sharp symbols.
return separator.join(['{:<3s}'.format(x) for x in scale]) \
.replace('b', '\u266d') \
.replace('#', '\u266f')
>>> for key in alphabet:
>>> scale = make_formula(formula, make_intervals_standard(key))
>>> print('{}: {}'.format(key, dump(scale)))
C: C D E F G A B C
D: D E F♯ G A B C♯ D
E: E F♯ G♯ A B C♯ D♯ E
F: F G A B♭ C D E F
G: G A B C D E F♯ G
A: A B C♯ D E F♯ G♯ A
B: B C♯ D♯ E F♯ G♯ A♯ B
公式命名的另一种方法是基于主要标准的音节。弹奏乐器时这会更容易,因为如果您熟悉其主要音阶,则可以在给定的琴键中获得音阶和和弦。intervals_major = [
[ '1', 'bb2'],
['b2', '#1'],
[ '2', 'bb3', '9'],
['b3', '#2'],
[ '3', 'b4'],
[ '4', '#3', '11'],
['b5', '#4', '#11'],
[ '5', 'bb6'],
['b6', '#5'],
[ '6', 'bb7', '13'],
['b7', '#6'],
[ '7', 'b8'],
[ '8', '#7'],
函数以使用此函数:def make_intervals(key, interval_type='standard'):
for index, interval_list in enumerate(intervals):
intervs = intervals if interval_type == 'standard' else intervals_major
for interval_name in intervs:
# Get the interval degree
if interval_type == 'standard':
degree = int(interval_name[1]) - 1 # e.g. M3 --> 3, m7 --> 7
elif interval_type == 'major':
degree = int(re.sub('[b#]', '', interval_name)) - 1
return labels
字符,然后再转换为整数以获取度数即可。formulas = {
# Scale formulas
'scales': {
# Major scale, its modes, and minor scale
'major': '1,2,3,4,5,6,7',
'minor': '1,2,b3,4,5,b6,b7',
# Melodic minor and its modes
'melodic_minor': '1,2,b3,4,5,6,7',
# Harmonic minor and its modes
'harmonic_minor': '1,2,b3,4,5,b6,7',
# Blues scales
'major_blues': '1,2,b3,3,5,6',
'minor_blues': '1,b3,4,b5,5,b7',
# Penatatonic scales
'pentatonic_major': '1,2,3,5,6',
'pentatonic_minor': '1,b3,4,5,b7',
'pentatonic_blues': '1,b3,4,b5,5,b7',
'chords': {
# Major
'major': '1,3,5',
'major_6': '1,3,5,6',
'major_6_9': '1,3,5,6,9',
'major_7': '1,3,5,7',
'major_9': '1,3,5,7,9',
'major_13': '1,3,5,7,9,11,13',
'major_7_#11': '1,3,5,7,#11',
# Minor
'minor': '1,b3,5',
'minor_6': '1,b3,5,6',
'minor_6_9': '1,b3,5,6,9',
: '1,b3,5,b7',
'minor_9': '1,b3,5,b7,9',
'minor_11': '1,b3,5,b7,9,11',
'minor_7_b5': '1,b3,b5,b7',
# Dominant
'dominant_7': '1,3,5,b7',
'dominant_9': '1,3,5,b7,9',
'dominant_11': '1,3,5,b7,9,11',
'dominant_13': '1,3,5,b7,9,11,13',
'dominant_7_#11': '1,3,5,b7,#11',
# Diminished
'diminished': '1,b3,b5',
'diminished_7': '1,b3,b5,bb7',
'diminished_7_half': '1,b3,b5,b7',
# Augmented
'augmented': '1,3,#5',
# Suspended
'sus2': '1,2,5',
'sus4': '1,4,5',
'7sus2': '1,2,5,b7',
'7sus4': '1,4,5,b7',
intervs = make_intervals('C', 'major')
for ftype in formulas:
for name, formula in formulas[ftype].items():
v = make_formula(formula, intervs)
print('\t{}: {}'.format(name, dump(v)))
major: C D E F G A B
minor: C D E♭ F G A♭ B♭
melodic_minor: C D E♭ F G A B
harmonic_minor: C D E♭ F G A♭ B
major_blues: C D E♭ E G A
minor_blues: C E♭ F G♭ G B♭
pentatonic_major: C D E G A
pentatonic_minor: C E♭ F G B♭
pentatonic_blues: C E♭ F G♭ G B♭
major: C E G
major_6: C E G A
major_6_9: C E G A D
major_7: C E G B
major_9: C E G B D
major_13: C E G B D F A
major_7_#11: C E G B F♯
minor: C E♭ G
minor_6: C E♭ G A
minor_6_9: C E♭ G A D
minor_7: C E♭ G B♭
minor_9: C E♭ G B♭ D
minor_11: C E♭ G B♭ D F
minor_7_b5: C E♭ G♭ B♭
dominant_7: C E G B♭
dominant_9: C E G B♭ D
dominant_11: C E G B♭ D F
dominant_13: C E G B♭ D F A
dominant_7_#11: C E G B♭ F♯
diminished: C E♭ G♭
diminished_7: C E♭ G♭ B♭♭
diminished_7_half: C E♭ G♭ B♭
augmented: C E G♯
sus2: C D G
sus4: C F G
7sus2: C D G B♭
7sus4: C F G B♭
mode = rotate
需要注意的是,由于旋转后的根音会发生变化,因此所得到的旋转比例或模式处于不同的键中。对于每个键,主要有七个主要音阶模式,具体取决于所应用的左旋次数,每个模式都有一个特定的名称:major_mode_rotations = {
'Ionian': 0,
'Dorian': 1,
'Phrygian': 2,
'Lydian': 3,
'Mixolydian': 4,
'Aeolian': 5,
'Locrian': 6,
使用此方法,我们现在可以为任何给定键生成主要比例的模式。这是C大调的一个例子:intervs = make_intervals('C', 'major')
c_major_scale = make_formula(formulas['scales']['major'], intervs)
for m in major_mode_rotations:
v = mode(c_major_scale, major_mode_rotations[m])
print('{} {}: {}'.format(dump([v[0]]), m, dump(v)))
C Ionian: C D E F G A B
D Dorian: D E F G A B C
E Phrygian: E F G A B C D
F Lydian: F G A B C D E
G Mixolydian: G A B C D E F
A Aeolian: A B C D E F G
B Locrian: B C D E F G A
上面,我们正在研究从给定比例导出的模式。但是,实际上我们关心的是给定键的模式。因此,给定C的键,我们想知道C Ionian
,C Dorian
,C Mixolydian
等。另一种表达方式是,例如“ C Mixolidian”
与“the Mixolydian of C”
不同。前者是指根音为C的混合音阶,后者是指C大音阶的混合音阶(即上方的G混合音阶)。keys = [
'B#', 'C', 'C#', 'Db', 'D', 'D#', 'Eb', 'E', 'Fb', 'E#', 'F',
'F#', 'Gb', 'G', 'G#', 'Ab', 'A', 'A#', 'Bb', 'B', 'Cb',
modes = {}
for key in keys:
intervs = make_intervals(key, 'major')
c_major_scale = make_formula(formulas['scales']['major'], intervs)
for m in major_mode_rotations:
v = mode(c_major_scale, major_mode_rotations[m])
if v[0] not in modes:
modes[v[0]] = {}
modes[v[0]][m] = v